Sunday, February 1, 2009


Otherwise entitled, my random life.

I want to try something this month, and feel free to tune me out if you wish, but I am going to try to post something each day about my boring, everyday life. I figure, what the heck, it may be interesting to someone in fifty years. Wouldn't you love to peek into the details of your grandma's everyday life when she was raising kids? Ok - maybe not everyone would, but I would.

Blue jeans hung up to dry. Now really, can you get any more random and boring than that? By the way, there are 21 pairs of jeans hung up there. I'm thankful for my mega-sized washing machine :)

(I can only count 16 hangers in the picture, but I assure you that I hung 21 pairs)


Margaret said...

I'm looking forward to your posts. They should be interesting. And any time you come to visit, I would be happy to play with your toddlers. Of course, your kids are almost out of that stage aren't they. So, I'll be happy to play with your kids.

Suz said...

You can seriously fit 21 pairs of levis in your washing machine at one time? The most mine will hold is 8-10 of Courtney's or mine and 10-12 of the kids. No wonder I have a butt load of laundry!

karibates said...

Keep in mind, four of those were Alyssa's, and three were Dallin's. But there were actually 23 pairs in that load, and two of them fit my big bum.

Yep - size matters :)

Oh my heck, Marg - they are almost out of the toddler stage! By this time next year (with ANY luck) I will be completely out of diapers. Crazy - I never thought it would happen.