Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. Alyssa's hair is growing! I almost hate to say it, because I'll jinx myself, but I think that she may be growing out of the hair cutting phase. Finger's crossed!


2. I love this kid. He gets so much joy out of silly stuff, like happy meal toys, or coloring pictures, or this green fuzzy ball.


3. This is a cheat, because it is from Saturday, but that is some true pancake artistry right there. Plus I used my flash on it & you can't tell, can you? Haha!


4. Lacie & I started the Wave today. I'm a little sore!


The cute kid in the red pajamas? We have been exercising together since she was pregnant with him! Holy cow - that's a long time!

5. I have been wanting to get this shot all year:


He's leaving me. Little by little, he is growing out of me, and it breaks my heart. Why do they have to grow so fast?


Yay for clean floors!

7. And for pretty pink buds on my tree!


8. And Diet Pepsi!


I am so addicted :P It is a really good thing that I don't drink - I would totally be one of those people that stach little bottles of booze everywhere and sneak it between loads of laundry or something!

Dang, I only made it to eight today, but I will try harder for next Tuesday!


Lynnette said...

I love the peek into your everyday life! Also, I want to take photos like Kari when I grow up.

littlestitious said...

wow, incredible photos. thanks for sharing.

Debbie said...

Awesome photos Kari!