Thursday, November 6, 2008

This would have been cooler...

if I had gotten it up before the election was decided. Or if they had won.

Anyway, Cody's scout troop was asked to post the colors at a Sarah Palin rally the night before the election. He's the last scout on the right.Amy sang the National Anthem and did a beautiful job.

In this shot you can see how close Cody was - you can see him right next to her shoulder.Even thought it was really late, I was glad that we went - she was fabulous. I really think that she is the reason that McCain got as many votes as he did. It will be interesting to see if she runs in 2012.


goat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
goat said...

is there a link for the speech she gave?

goat said...

you should really email me.

karibates said...

I don't know how to do links - this is the article in Elko Daily.
It doesn't have the full text, but it has some quotes.

Suz said...

Why did Lisa remove her comment? Could be interesting!!! It was a late night but I really enjoyed listening to her. I think she is fabulous and I am impressed with her accomplishments as well as being a mother of five! Like Kari, can't wait to see what happens in 2012.

Lynnette said...

That's really cool that you guys were able to go!

Kristin said...

What a neat opportunity for Cody.

goat said...

the comment i deleted was about how wonderful it was to see my nephew in the pictures. that's all. i could comment several time a day on all of your blogs because i am on the inet all day but it just gets silly sometimes.
kari, you take really great pics and any i can see my "kids" in always makes me very happy.

goat said...

i could also say i like sarah palin. i do but most of that is on a completely carnal level and i just don't see that as a positive thing when it come to voting for someone.

Anonymous said...

I love your recent blogs. Ditto on your political feelings. I'm right there with you. I logged on to tag you and found you have tagged me. I've never been involved in two games of tag at the same time. Is that politically correct???

Debbie said...

Okay.... I am SOOOOOOO jealous of these shots and the awesome opportunity your family had. WOW! Wish these were mine.